Ksana Sweep Watch Face now has full compatibility with upcoming (February 9th) Android Wear 2.0 system update. Also, no phone will be needed anymore. Ksana will be fully standalone.
Only a few of the built-in complications (Unread SMS, Missed Calls & Phone battery) needs a phone with the Ksana Sweep phone app to work, and – since you can add any data (complication) from other installed apps on your watch to Ksana Sweep – that won’t be a big loss.
Articles Tagged ‘wear os’ - page 4
Color in ambient mode for Ksana Sweep users
Got quite a few requests to add color to the different ambient/dimmed modes on Ksana Sweep watch face. I’ve been a bit stubborn and refused to make this change because I believed it would hurt battery life and perhaps be hard to implement without risking burn-in on users watch screens.
I was wrong (to my defence the ambient mode documentation available is bit confusing and contradictory).
Android Wear 2.0 Preview 4
Just released Ksana Sweep Watch Face version 1.1.6. Its a release mostly for supporting the latest so called preview of the upcoming Android Wear 2.0 system update
Ksana Sweep 1.1.5 – fixes, better performance & general improvement
Here’s whats new in Ksana Sweep version 1.1.5:
Ksana Sweep v 1.1.4 – more for Android Wear 2.0 complications
Ksana Sweep Watch Face version 1.1.4 is now live on Google Play. Everything new (aside from the privacy policy) is releated to the upcoming Android Wear 2.0 update.